Fortnite Candy- Where To Find Zero Point Pretzels And More In Fortnitemares

Fortnite is back into costume with Fortnitemares 2022, and that means candy can be found all around the map like it is every year Come from Sports betting site VPbet . You’ll want to locate Fortnite candy for a number of reasons–most often to simply enjoy their buffs to speed, jumping, and more–but also some Fortnitemares quests will demand you find candy at times, too. This year, one such quest asks you to apply the Zero Point Pretzel effect to yourself three times. Here’s how to do that easily, as well as where to find candy generally.

Fortnite Zero Point Pretzel effect

Zero Point Pretzels act just like Zero Point fish by giving you a few seconds of a dash technique, making you harder to hit when under fire, while adding a bit of speed to your looper, too. Simply eating a pretzel will give you this ability for about 30 seconds, but they don’t stack, so if you’re trying to complete the challenge to apply the effect three times, you should wait for each effect to wear off before applying it again.

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